Sarah Grace Cheek is an artist and woodworker based in Charlottesville, Virginia. She holds a BFA from Virginia Common­wealth Univer­sity in Craft & Mate­r­ial Studies where she focused in furni­ture and textile design.

Her work centers around nour­ish­ment, useful­ness and joy. Sarah Grace uses hand carving and power carving tech­niques to create most of her work. Some of her inspi­ra­tion includes bones, rocks, bark, scavenged and salvaged mate­ri­als and antique textiles.

SG completed a 3 month long Summer Fellowship at Pocosin Arts School of Fine Craft in Columbia, NC in the summer of 2023. She now servers as their Assistant Director and splits her time between Charlottesville and Columbia, NC.

Studio 10
Charlottesville cluster

instagram @sarah.grace.cheek